Magazine "Lucifer - the Light-bringer"
This magazine, of the Dutch division of The Theosophical Society (Point Loma - The Hague) appears bi-monthly. It demonstrates how the theosophical teachings are to be applied in human life. Lucifer differentiates itself from other opinion-magazines through the consistent searching into the causes of the problems. The criterion for this is the extensive knowledge of the Universal Esoteric Philosophy as this is taught in Theosophy. This 'different' approach to individual and social problems gives a refreshing outlook and offers new possibilities of solving these problems effectively.
The 'technical' teachings of Theosophy are never objectives in themselves. In Lucifer the ethical consequences are always drawn from them by applying these teachings to the actual problems with which mankind is struggling. In this light it is nearly superfluous to say that great value is put on the letters to the editor.
Science, philosophy and religion, and especially the interconnection between these three in human thinking are widely dealt with. It is made clear that universal compassion is the basic pattern of Nature. The articles in Lucifer appeal particularly to the individual thinking faculty of the readers. But above all it is demonstrated that Theosophy offers Man a solid foundation for a philosophy of life with a perspective. Lucifer is available in the form of single copies or an annual subscription.
Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 3 - 2014
We are glad to present to you the third issue of 2014. In 2013, when we started our English magazine, we published two issues. This year we were able to present to you three issues. And we are already busy to prepare the first one for 2015.
But not only the number of issues is increasing. We are pleased that this year we could welcome quite a few new readers from all over the world. Moreover, we are very happy with receiving more encouraging reactions and interesting questions about the articles.
This issue is the report of the I.S.I.S. Symposium ‘How our consciousness changes our brain’. We think that this Lucifer may shine a bright light on this highly topical subject.
As always, we look forward to your questions and comments.
The editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer
This digital magazine is published a couple of times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe by sending an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 2 - 2014
We are very pleased to present this year’s second issue of Lucifer – the Light-bringer. The previous editions were received well. We got some encouraging reactions from all over the world. That inspires us to continue with our magazine in the hope it will contribute to give Theosophy its rightful place in the world.
We are still convinced that we can realize the objective of Lucifer, which is, to say it in the words of H.P. Blavatsky, to bring light to the hidden things of darkness; to show in their true aspect and their original real meaning things and names, men and their doings and customs; it is finally to fight prejudice, hypocrisy and shams in every nation, in every class of Society, as in every department of life.
We know that we can reach that goal only in cooperation with you, reader.
We present the digital version of Lucifer for free. We will publish this magazine a couple of times per year. Are you interested to receive following issues of Lucifer, please subscribe for free by sending an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
Practical Spirituality - Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 1 - 2014
Practical spirituality beyond matter, in society
We are glad to present the third issue of Lucifer – the Light-bringer. In contrast to the former issues, this one has a central theme: ‘Practical spirituality beyond matter, in society’.
It is meant to present clear and inspiring theosophical answers to the growing confusion around ‘spirituality’ in the world.
The articles in this issue are closely linked to each other, forming one unity. Step by step, the important questions are addressed. These articles are the transcripts of the lectures held at the 2013 Symposium of The Theosophical Society Point Loma-Blavatskyhuis in The Hague.
What is practical spirituality?
Spirituality is ‘hot’. There are many courses and books available. But how do you find your way through all of this information? Is this something you are able to do yourself or should you rely on others?
Above all there is the question why you should live spiritually. Is spirituality too ‘woolly’ and of no practical use or is living spiritually the answer to all of life’s problems?
There is more than just the spiritual and the material World. Spirit is sometimes depicted as the wind, invisible for our eyes. But not everything that we cannot see, hear or touch is spiritual. Where does the material end and where does the spiritual start? How do we make the distinction between unpractical woollyness and clear practical spirituality? There is a clear standard that can be used to discriminate between true and false spirituality.
We present the digital version of Lucifer for free. We will publish this magazine a couple of times per year. Are you interested to receive following issues of Lucifer, please subscribe for free by sending an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
The seven Jewels of Wisdom - Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 2 - 2013
The seven Jewels of Wisdom – solutions to questions of life
Three and seven: one system
In this second issue of Lucifer – the Light-bringer we briefly present the seven Jewels of Wisdom. You can find traces of these teachings in the books of the world religions and great philosophical systems, as is shown in the last article of this issue. All theosophical teachings can be traced back to these seven Jewels.
Theosophy stretches over all fields of human thought. However, it is based on only three fundamental propositions, given by H.P. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine. (See the first article.) These propositions can be elaborated in seven principal ideas, called the seven Jewels of Wisdom.
Theosophy is a universal source of knowledge and wisdom. All great spiritual Teachers drew and still draw from it. Therefore you can find Theosophy in all the great religions and philosophies of the world. It is not dogmatic. It rises high above limited ideas. It is not a faith that one should believe. You should examine it yourself. The seven Jewels of Wisdom therefore are no dogmas but principal ideas you can recognize in nature and in your own life.
You can find these Jewels all through theosophical literature, in which they are explained at length. But you will rarely find them systematically ordered. Nevertheless, these seven Jewels do form one whole; one Jewel explains and complements the others. It is only by combining them that you can fully understand them. The profundity of a Jewel increases enormously if you take the other ones into consideration. For instance, reincarnation and karma cannot be understood separately. Furthermore, you understand them much better if you also study the other Jewels, which are far less publicly known. In this issue of Lucifer, we give principal explanations of all seven Jewels, and their mutual relations.
We present the digital version of Lucifer for free. We will publish this magazine a couple of times per year. Are you interested to receive following issues of Lucifer, please subscribe for free by sending an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.