

Category: Magazine

Trust, depression, chance or law and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.3 2018

As usual, the editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer try to apply Theosophia to all kinds of issues and problems that are relevant today. One of today’s biggest problems is the large number of people suffering from depression worldwide.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 10/10/18 at 09:29 PM in MagazinePermalink

The meaning of life and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.2 2018

In four articles an attempt is made to answer in simple words the question that every human being asks himself sometimes: what is the meaning of life?


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 20/06/18 at 03:14 PM in MagazinePermalink

A notable call for Friendship and Peace and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.1 2018

We live in a world of fake news. How can the well-meaning citizen find his way in this maze of opinions, truths and supposed truths? In this issue of Lucifer, the Light-bringer we will try to give you some support. We are convinced that we can get to know truth, but we must adopt an active attitude for it. The article A notable call for Friendship and Peace gives a practical example of when you rise above your own familiar opinion.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 30/03/18 at 03:00 PM in MagazinePermalink

The Wisdom of Love and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.4 2017

We hereby present the 4th issue of 2017 of Lucifer the Light-bringer. We tried to put together a varied issue that can inspire us, with ever increasing force, to apply Theosophia in this new year, thus exerting a prosperous influence on mankind.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 31/12/17 at 09:56 PM in MagazinePermalink
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