Magazine "Lucifer - the Light-bringer"
This magazine, of the Dutch division of The Theosophical Society (Point Loma - The Hague) appears bi-monthly. It demonstrates how the theosophical teachings are to be applied in human life. Lucifer differentiates itself from other opinion-magazines through the consistent searching into the causes of the problems. The criterion for this is the extensive knowledge of the Universal Esoteric Philosophy as this is taught in Theosophy. This 'different' approach to individual and social problems gives a refreshing outlook and offers new possibilities of solving these problems effectively.
The 'technical' teachings of Theosophy are never objectives in themselves. In Lucifer the ethical consequences are always drawn from them by applying these teachings to the actual problems with which mankind is struggling. In this light it is nearly superfluous to say that great value is put on the letters to the editor.
Science, philosophy and religion, and especially the interconnection between these three in human thinking are widely dealt with. It is made clear that universal compassion is the basic pattern of Nature. The articles in Lucifer appeal particularly to the individual thinking faculty of the readers. But above all it is demonstrated that Theosophy offers Man a solid foundation for a philosophy of life with a perspective. Lucifer is available in the form of single copies or an annual subscription.
Trust, depression, chance or law and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.3 2018
As usual, the editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer try to apply Theosophia to all kinds of issues and problems that are relevant today. Theosophia is not just a dusty doctrine just to be studied, but a practical philosophy of life, applicable to every problem.
One of today’s biggest problems is the large number of people suffering from depression worldwide. The number is so great that some speak of an epidemic. A study group has been discussing this enormous problem for more than a year. An attempt has been made to analyze what a depression is, how it develops and, above all, what we can do to prevent depression and how we can help people who suffer from it.
This issue also includes two current scientific topics, that both have a clear social impact as well. In the article Chance or law we discuss scientific notions of chance and probability. They play an important role in for instance the quantum theory of physics, the mutation theory of biology and the game theory. Are we able to understand the facts observed by scientists in a theosophical way? Another article is about the biological assumption that everywhere in nature there is a struggle for existence. However, there is a growing number of indications and evidence that this assumption is no longer tenable and, fortunately, becomes out of fashion.
The basis of Trust deals with the psychological problem that authorities no longer trust subordinates, just as people increasingly mistrust each other. However, you can also approach your fellow man with a basic positive attitude. Then another kind of society is born.
Furthermore, we publish two short articles that place recent discoveries in a theosophical light: one about planet Jupiter; another one about the adaptability of plants.
Finally, some questions asked to us are answered in the section Question & Answers.
We hope that this issue may contribute to the practicality of Theosophia. We are convinced that the world needs this age-old Wisdom-Religion more than anything else. Your comments, questions and feedback will be, as always, highly appreciated. They help us to improve our magazine.
The editors
This digital magazine is published four times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe here.
The meaning of life and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.2 2018
If we would measure the success of Lucifer, the Light-bringer by its worldwide dissemination, then we certainly cannot be dissatisfied. Our magazine is now being read in no less than 43 countries.
We view this development as a very positive signal. Nonetheless, the number of subscribers per se does not determine the degree of success. This is determined by the extent to which we succeed in presenting the theosophical principles and teachings, but also and foremost by clarifying the practical applicability of those teachings. This is a learning process for the editors, in which we should never be satisfied. Just like our readers we have to study in order to be able to clarify Theosophia. We know that we can only offer the ideas; everyone has to think about it for themselves. But it is our duty to present those ideas as clear as possible.
We hope that in this issue we have at least offered food for thought.
In four articles an attempt is made to answer in simple words the question that every human being asks himself sometimes: what is wisdom of life and how can it be obtained? To find the answer, you first need to know what life is. This is explained very clearly in the article: “What is life?” The next article is a reflection on wisdom in practice. Subsequently, we will reflect on how the learning process proceeds. This process never stops, because we are Boundless.
These four articles are the result of the annual symposium of the Theosophical Society Point Loma in September 2017, in The Hague.
Furthermore, this issue deals with the contemporary topic of artificial intelligence and smart computers.
Finally, from a theosophical perspective a vision is given about freedom of expression.
As always, we have included a few questions and answers, this time about gods, elementals and initiation.
If you have any questions about the articles or about Theosophy in general, or if you have any comments, you may always email or write the editors. Your correspondence will always be answered.
The editors
This digital magazine is published four times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe here or send an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
A notable call for Friendship and Peace and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.1 2018
We live in a world of fake news. People spread consciously – and sometimes unconsciously – untruths or even pure lies. There is confusion. One country sometimes proclaims a truth that is diametrically opposed to the truth of another country. One politician claims that something is a fact, and the other claims that it is not a fact at all. How can the well-meaning citizen find his way in this maze of opinions, truths and supposed truths?
In this issue of Lucifer, the Light-bringer we will try to give you some support. We are convinced that we can get to know truth, but we must adopt an active attitude for it. If we really want to get out of our bubble and reach a greater truth, we should try to build an all-encompassing image in which everything has its place.
The article A notable call for Friendship and Peace gives a practical example of when you rise above your own familiar opinion. It reports a call for world peace from the leaders of the world’s religions.
It is our own vision that determines whether something is true or not. This is apparent from the article How our vision of truth determines reality. So we make our own truth. But we can make our truth, or our alleged truth, ever more universal. We have the capabilities of doing this.
It is that own personal vision that also determines the reality of homeopathic medicines. There are scientists who believe that these medicines cannot work. In the light of their materialistic vision they make their own truth. Reasoning from the spiritualistic viewpoint, there is no reason to assume why those medicines do not work, as stated in the article Is there evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy?
Next three articles were lectures presented at the I.S.I.S. Symposium “Compassion and Wisdom. Keys to a harmonious and healthy world” held on the 20th of May 2017 in The Hague, the Netherlands.
The first article Many opinions … but what is true? discusses the multitude of opinions, which overwhelm us, but we can find out what is true and what is not.
We have the ability to perceive that truth exists immediately within ourselves, for we are more than our temporary vision. We must awaken those abilities within us, which you can read about in the second article We are more than our vision.
Ultimately, we can rise above all those opinions, above half and alleged truths and become wise. Then we see the Oneness of all and lift ourselves above the illusions. This is explained in simple words in the third article From truth to wisdom: wisdom can be developed.
Finally, some questions about karma are answered in our questions section.
We have again tried to put together a varied number in the hope of contributing to the practicality of Theosophy, and thereby spreading it. Questions and comments are always welcome.
The editors
This digital magazine is published a couple of times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe here or send an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
The Wisdom of Love and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.4 2017
We hereby present the 4th issue of 2017 of Lucifer the Light-bringer. We tried to put together a varied issue that can inspire us, with ever increasing force, to apply Theosophia in this new year, thus exerting a prosperous influence on mankind.
Theosophia is the synthesis of religion, philosophy and science. This means that the Wisdom-Religion is neither science, nor philosophy or religion, but it contains all these three elements, and forges them together in their highest, most universal aspects.
In this issue of Lucifer, the Light-bringer, this is clearly reflected in the article ‘The Wisdom of Love’. This article offers a very interesting view on philosophy. It shows that genuine philosophy cannot do without religion and science.
Meditation is usually, and rightly so, regarded as something spiritual. Yet we cannot grasp the idea of it if we do not involve philosophical and scientific elements. This is evident from the article ‘Esoteric Meditation’, of which the first part appeared in Lucifer, the Light-bringer, No. 3, August 2017.
The article ‘Developing Concentration’ interconnects well with ‘Esoteric Meditation’, and it also shows that concentration serves our daily life and is necessary for all objectives.
The articles ‘Nanotechnology, a closer look inside the world of the cell’ and ‘Why hereditary is so difficult to predict’ seem to be typical scientific articles. But if you approach these subjects from a scientific point of view only, a certain ‘mental lameness’ arises, while if you involve the religious and philosophical thinking faculties as well, you will develop a completely different view on these two important issues.
Our articles are not theoretical treatises, but as always we try to demonstrate the practical value of Theosophia. The applicability of Theosophia is also apparent from the answer to a question about current world politics.
As always, we welcome your comments, because they encourage us to express Theosophia more clearly.
The Editors
This digital magazine is published a couple of times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe here or send an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.