
Magazine "Lucifer - the Light-bringer"

This magazine, of the Dutch division of The Theosophical Society (Point Loma - The Hague) appears bi-monthly. It demonstrates how the theosophical teachings are to be applied in human life. Lucifer differentiates itself from other opinion-magazines through the consistent searching into the causes of the problems. The criterion for this is the extensive knowledge of the Universal Esoteric Philosophy as this is taught in Theosophy. This 'different' approach to individual and social problems gives a refreshing outlook and offers new possibilities of solving these problems effectively.

The 'technical' teachings of Theosophy are never objectives in themselves. In Lucifer the ethical consequences are always drawn from them by applying these teachings to the actual problems with which mankind is struggling. In this light it is nearly superfluous to say that great value is put on the letters to the editor.

Science, philosophy and religion, and especially the interconnection between these three in human thinking are widely dealt with. It is made clear that universal compassion is the basic pattern of Nature. The articles in Lucifer appeal particularly to the individual thinking faculty of the readers. But above all it is demonstrated that Theosophy offers Man a solid foundation for a philosophy of life with a perspective. Lucifer is available in the form of single copies or an annual subscription.

The meaninglessness of capital punishment

Theosophical knowledge that shows the meaninglessness of capital punishment

Which arguments exist against capital punishment, when seen from knowledge of the spiritual side of man?
In the articles below the most essential arguments are presented and clarified.

1. ‘Theosophy and Capital Punishment’, by W.Q. Judge

When the question rises if capital punishment can ever be justified, it principally does not make a difference if it’s about a head of state or a normal citizen. The reference to the murderer of president Garfield in this article is a parallel to the situation of, for instance, Saddam Hussein.

Theosophy and Capital Punishment (download pdf document)

2. Answer to a question about the consequences of capital punishment, by W.Q. Judge

In the next article the words Devachan and Kâma Loka appear. When a human being dies, the consciousness retreats in more inner spaces. The first state of consciousness that the deceased enters is Kâma Loka, the “state of desires”. In that state, emotional energies are released, which were built up during life on earth. If all the tendencies and desires (Kâma in Sanskrit) are released, the inner human being enters the much more spiritual state of Devachan: a dream-like state where unfulfilled ideals and higher aspirations are drawn up. What we will experience during these states of dying and how strong these experiences will be is completely dependent on ourselves: which thoughts and desires we have cherished during our past life.

Answer to a question about the consequences of capital punishment (download pdf document)

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 10/19 at 04:42 PM in MagazinePermalink
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Lucifer archive

Below all English issues of Lucifer Magazine, since 2013:

Our first Portuguese Lucifer:

Our first Spanish Lucifer:

A link to our German magazine "Der Pfad": http://www.theosophy.de/pfad.php