The Dutch Section of The Theosophical Society
Public lectures
Every year, during the work-season from September until June, public lectures are held in various places in The Netherlands. More information about our lecture program can be found here (in Dutch).
In the course 'Thinking Differently' one learns to get to know and use one's own thinking faculty through testing and application in daily life.
The course 'Wisdom of Life' gives the fundamentals for a practical Philosophy of Life.
The course 'Thinking Differently' and the follow-up course 'Wisdom of Life' are given in various places in The Netherlands and the UK to groups of maximum 20 persons interested.
Further information can be found on the Dutch website of The Theosophical Society here (in Dutch).
The Theosophical Society Point Loma - Blavatskyhouse organizes the annual Symposium in The Hague, The Netherlands.
More information, see Events.