Magazine "Lucifer - the Light-bringer"
This magazine, of the Dutch division of The Theosophical Society (Point Loma - The Hague) appears bi-monthly. It demonstrates how the theosophical teachings are to be applied in human life. Lucifer differentiates itself from other opinion-magazines through the consistent searching into the causes of the problems. The criterion for this is the extensive knowledge of the Universal Esoteric Philosophy as this is taught in Theosophy. This 'different' approach to individual and social problems gives a refreshing outlook and offers new possibilities of solving these problems effectively.
The 'technical' teachings of Theosophy are never objectives in themselves. In Lucifer the ethical consequences are always drawn from them by applying these teachings to the actual problems with which mankind is struggling. In this light it is nearly superfluous to say that great value is put on the letters to the editor.
Science, philosophy and religion, and especially the interconnection between these three in human thinking are widely dealt with. It is made clear that universal compassion is the basic pattern of Nature. The articles in Lucifer appeal particularly to the individual thinking faculty of the readers. But above all it is demonstrated that Theosophy offers Man a solid foundation for a philosophy of life with a perspective. Lucifer is available in the form of single copies or an annual subscription.
Universal Rights of the Reincarnating Man - Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 1 - 2016
The universal declaration of Human Rights and other universal values are accepted largely throughout the different nations in te world. Nonetheless they are violated very often on a smaller or larger scale.
The deeper our understanding of the Cosmic Laws, the fundamental unity of the cosmos and ourselves as reincarnating beings, the better we will understand the Universal Declaration of Man morally and will act accordingly.
We are glad to present to you the first issue of 2016 of our magazine Lucifer the Light-bringer .
This issue is the report of the Symposium Universal Rights of the Reincarnating Man held in May 2016 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Questions that are addressed: What are the Rights and Duties of the Reincarnating Man? Is it possible for humanity to live in peace and harmony? To what extent do human laws reflect the Cosmic Laws? What will the world look like when we, as a human beings, learn to cooperate with the Cosmic Laws?
We look forward to your questions and comments!
The editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer
This digital magazine is published a couple of times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe by sending an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
First Portuguese edition of Lucifer, the Light-bringer!
We are glad to present to you the first Portuguese edition of Lucifer, the Light-bringer. In the preparations of a series lectures that Barend Voorham will give in Brasil this July, Barend - also editor of Lucifer - translated a series of articles in Portuguese for this special occasion.
For our Portuguese friends we have the following articles:
Introdução br> Lúcifer, o Portador da LuzEdição especial
Como provar a Teosofia? br> H.P. Blavatsky e os seus sucessores
A Teosofia não é uma religião. E certamente não é uma crença. Todos os líderes teosóficos, enfáticam e repetidamente declararam que deveríamos investigar a Teosofia por nós próprios. Mas como? E como sabemos que é verdade? Se não temos que depositar uma fé cega nos líderes teosóficos, então que papel desempenham eles?
Barend Voorham
e Herman C. Vermeulen
Três níveis de recordação: instinto, consciência e intuição
A consciência composta do ser humano pode clarificar o mistério da memória.
Barend Voorham
Kali-Yuga: uma idade de crescimento ou de decadência espiritual?
Vivemos tempos de inquietude. De acordo com algumas pessoas os tempos são tão negros e sinistros, que estamos caminhando rapidamente para a nossa perdição. “Vivemos no fim dos tempos”, dizem as pessoas. Diz-se que isto está relacionado com o Kali-Yuga, a Idade do Ferro. É na verdade o Kali-Yuga uma idade tão negra?
Esta é uma investigação aos antigos textos hindus e à nossa era moderna.
Barend Voorham
Râja e Hatha Ioga
Para a maior parte das pessoas no mundo ocidental a prática do ioga é uma forma popular de exercício físico e de controlo da respiração. Este sistema particular de ioga é conhecido como Hatha Ioga. Contudo, existem muitos outros sistemas de ioga, como o Râja Ioga. Este artigo debruça-se especialmente sobre estes dois – por vezes contraditórios – sistemas de ioga.
Barend Voorham
Fundação I.S.I.S. e o curso Pensar Diferente
The editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer
Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 2 - 2015
We are glad to present to you the second issue of 2015.
This issue is the report of the I.S.I.S. Symposium
Rāja-Yoga Education of the Reincarnating Child.
A right education enables people to develop a broader view. The importance of education is therefore essential. However, what is right education?
Since the beginning of the 20th century members of the Theosophical Society gained experience with Rāja-Yoga education, which specifically distinguishes itself from other systems because it does not teach children what to think, but how to think.
Rāja-Yoga education literally means bringing out the Royal qualities in men: the capacity to control yourself in difficult situations and to lead and inspire others. With insight in their reincarnating part, you are able to teach children in a natural way to think independently. They grow up to be responsible people, in whom an unselfish objective and a spiritual vision on life are integral parts of their characters. And why not also apply this Rāja-Yoga education to yourself?
As always, we look forward to your questions and comments.
The editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer
This digital magazine is published a couple of times a year. Are you interested in receiving following issues of Lucifer (free of charge), please subscribe by sending an e-mail to[at]*.
*) Replace [at] with @.
Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 1 - 2015
We are glad to present you the first issue of Lucifer, the Light-bringer, of 2015. This year too, we plan to publish 3 or 4 issues.
The first two articles have a direct significance for our understanding of the Theosophy, which was presented in our age by H.P. Blavatsky. How timeless is the message of H.P. Blavatsky? And how do you prove Theosophy? Whoever is not satisfied with a vague ‘believing’, would not ask himself these questions? And wishes a precise answer?
The enormous tensions and violence between various religious sects ask for a theosophical answer. The article “Esoteric Islam” gives a thorough contribution to this aim. As stated in the article: “It is high time to take a closer look at Islam and its principles in the hope that more people will discover the real fundamentals of this religion.”
The last article focuses on the relation between Theosophy and science. A small but growing number of scientists think that electromagnetism is the main organizing force behind the universe. This is contrary to the generally accepted view on gravity. This article shows that the theosophical teachings related to Consciousness, Emanation and Fohat are able to explain the discovered facts.
Just like earlier issues, your questions and comments on this issue are welcome.
The editors of Lucifer, the Light-bringer