

Archive March 2018

A notable call for Friendship and Peace and more in Lucifer the Light-bringer No.1 2018

We live in a world of fake news. How can the well-meaning citizen find his way in this maze of opinions, truths and supposed truths? In this issue of Lucifer, the Light-bringer we will try to give you some support. We are convinced that we can get to know truth, but we must adopt an active attitude for it. The article A notable call for Friendship and Peace gives a practical example of when you rise above your own familiar opinion.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 30/03/18 at 03:00 PM in MagazinePermalink

How we follow in the footsteps of the Buddha - Sunday April 8

Gautama the Buddha has uncovered many of the mysteries of life. He shows what is possible for a human being to achieve and thus what is possible for us all.

Watch LIVE Sunday April 8 14:00 hrs


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 29/03/18 at 05:04 PM in EventsPermalink

VIDEO: Our spiritual history and future

Who does not want to know what our origin is, where we come from, and what lies ahead? What actually is ‘evolution’? What is driving it, competition or cooperation?


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 23/03/18 at 03:50 PM in VideosPermalink

Our spiritual history and future - Sunday March 11

Who does not want to know what our origin is, where we come from, and what lies ahead? What actually is ‘evolution’? What is driving it, is that competition or cooperation?

Watch LIVE Sunday 11 March 14:00 hrs


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 02/03/18 at 03:14 PM in EventsPermalink



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