Just after the Point Loma Convivium the ITC (International Theosophy Conference) 2012 takes place from August 9 until August 12, 2012 at the Theosophical Society of America (the American section of The Theosophical Society, Adyar) in Wheaton, Illinois near Chicago, USA. This year the ITC theme is: Karmic Cycles: Wheels of Spiritual Growth.
Posted by blavatskyhouse on 21/03/12 at 11:44 AM in
Events •
The POINT LOMA CONVIVIUM is a gathering sharing the core principles and ideas that formed the unique Theosophical community at Point Loma from 1898-1942.
Presentations include expositions of the important, innovative role Theosophic ideas played and still play in Religion, Philosophy, Science and Art.
Posted by blavatskyhouse on 21/03/12 at 11:15 AM in
Events •