
Point Loma Convivium* 2012 - Theosophic Insight in Science, Philosophy, Religion and Art

Point Loma Theosophy: its contribution to the inner growth of Humanity in its global and individual inner transformation.

Dear Friends of Theosophy,

Herewith we invite you to a four days’ gathering, organized nearby the former Theosophical Headquarters at Point Loma in San Diego, California, August 2 - 5, 2012.

The POINT LOMA CONVIVIUM is a gathering sharing the core principles and ideas that formed the unique Theosophical community at Point Loma from 1898-1942. Presentations include expositions of the important, innovative role Theosophic ideas played and still play in Religion, Philosophy, Science and Art.

These days are meant to give – in active ‘all-visitors’ conversation – form and soul to the theme of this Convivium. A more detailed program will follow soon.
More information can be found on the Point Loma Theosophy Network website.

Ken Small and Herman C. Vermeulen

Invitation Point Loma Convivium

*Convivium in the sense Ficino used for Plato’s Symposium or Banquet, the Dialogue where Socrates explains the real meaning of Love: Compassion.

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 21/03/12 at 11:15 AM in Events
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