
Lucifer, the Light-bringer - No. 2 - 2014

Lucifer No. 2 2014

We are very pleased to present this year’s second issue of Lucifer – the Light-bringer. The previous editions were received well. We got some encouraging reactions from all over the world. That inspires us to continue with our magazine in the hope it will contribute to give Theosophy its rightful place in the world.

We are still convinced that we can realize the objective of Lucifer, which is, to say it in the words of H.P. Blavatsky, to bring light to the hidden things of darkness; to show in their true aspect and their original real meaning things and names, men and their doings and customs; it is finally to fight prejudice, hypocrisy and shams in every nation, in every class of Society, as in every department of life.

We know that we can reach that goal only in cooperation with you, reader.

We present the digital version of Lucifer for free. We will publish this magazine a couple of times per year. Are you interested to receive following issues of Lucifer, please subscribe for free by sending an e-mail to lucifer.red[at]isis-foundation.org*.
*) Replace [at] with @.

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 12/08/14 at 08:13 PM in Magazine
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