Watch the talk ‘Karma and the rise and fall of civilizations’ Sunday DEC 10 LIVE on the internet
Watch the lecture ‘Karma and the rise and fall of civilizations’ on December 1o at 14:00 hrs LIVE
on livestream
Watch the lecture ‘Karma and the rise and fall of civilizations’ on December 1o at 14:00 hrs LIVE
on livestream
A key aspect of a civilization is the presence of a mindset directed to spiritual and intellectual values. That means for instance that the general interest prevails over the personal interest. And that no one is excluded from society.
The doctrine of reincarnation is essential for a practical vision of life. This teaching explains us why the world is as it is and why every human being is confronted with his own individual challenges.
But even more important: it offers us the oppertunity to overcome them.
Con entusiasmo, presentamos Lucifer el Mensajero de Luz en idioma español. En este Lucifer se presentan los tres Proposiciones Fundamentales de la Teosofía y las siete Joyas de la Sabiduría.