

Point Loma Convivium* 2011, August 14 - August 17, Point Loma, San Diego, CA, USA

The POINT LOMA CONVIVIUM is a gathering sharing the core principles and ideas that formed the unique Theosophical community at Point Loma from 1898-1942. Presentations include a historical overview, education, art and drama, the ‘inner’ Mystery School, Theosophy and Ethics, Raja Yoga Education and its Global Meaning etc.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 21/06/11 at 01:53 PM in EventsPermalink

Karma: the key to take destiny into your own hands - Symposium I.S.I.S. Foundation

Your influence on every aspect of life:
from disease to natural disasters
from health to world peace

On Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd of May 2011 the I.S.I.S. Foundation organized an inspiring two-day symposium – Karma: the key to take destiny into your own hands.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 21/05/11 at 02:00 PM in EventsPermalink

Making Theosophy a living power - International Theosophical Conference 2010 - The Hague

From the 12th to the 15th of August 2010 the International Theosophical Conference (ITC) of 2010 took place in The Hague, The Netherlands. The theme was “making Theosophy a living power”.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 15/08/10 at 02:05 PM in EventsPermalink

The Secret Doctrine Commentaries

A new book by H.P. Blavatsky, transcribed and annotated by Michael Gomes and published by The I.S.I.S. Foundation is now available.


Posted by blavatskyhouse on 12/08/10 at 02:41 PM in Permalink
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