Point Loma Convivium* 2011, August 14 - August 17, Point Loma, San Diego, CA, USA
History, Râja Yoga Education, Art and Drama, the ‘inner’ Mystery School …
Dear Friends of Theosophy,
Herewith we invite you to a four days’ gathering, organized nearby the former Theosophical Headquarters at Point Loma in San Diego, California. It is a unique opportunity to organize this Convivium in the days following the ITC Conference, which is being held in Julian, Ca. in the scenic mountains an hour east of San Diego.
Everywhere in the world there are Theosophists active, who are in some way connected with the Theosophical activities in Point Loma. Some of those Theosophists have known each other for many years, but recently the contacts between a number of ‘Point Loma’ Theosophists in America and Europe have increased and intensified. This contact and interactivity has increased during several theosophical activities in the last five years, for instance the ITC Conferences, visits to each others study groups etc, and the digitalization of the remainders of the Point Loma Archive. During all those contacts an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust has been built: the basis for an effort to look beyond the boundaries of each one’s own Theosophical activities. This has brought to fruition this first Point Loma Convivium to which we invite you to participate in.
The POINT LOMA CONVIVIUM is a gathering sharing the core principles and ideas that formed the unique Theosophical community at Point Loma from 1898-1942. Presentations include a historical overview, education, art and drama, the ‘inner’ Mystery School, Theosophy and Ethics, Raja Yoga Education and its Global Meaning etc.
These days are meant to give – in active ‘all-visitors’ conversation – form and soul to three important core-ideas, three aspects of the main theme ‘Point Loma then, now and in the future’.
This Convivium is open to everyone interested in Theosophy. If you are not able to visit the Convivium, you can follow all lectures and discussions on our new website www.PointLomaTheosophyNetwork.net
Time permitting, all lectures etc. will be placed on this website in English (original), German (translation) and Dutch (translation).
Ken Small and Herman C. Vermeulen
*Convivium in the sense Ficino used for Plato’s Symposium or Banquet, the Dialogue where Socrates explains the real meaning of Love: Compassion.