
Watch all Convivium and ITC lectures live on the internet

This summer we (co-)organize 3 theosophical conferences in the US. These lectures will be broadcast live on the internet via http://new.livestream.com/blavatskyhouse.

To follow the lectures of the Point Loma Convivium from August 1 to 4 in San Diego, including links to watch live online click here.

To follow the lectures of the Point Loma Convivium Day on August 7 in New York, including links to watch live online click here.

To follow the lectures of ITC from August 8 to 11 in New York more information can be found on the ITC website http://www.theosconf.org/livestream.html.

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 27/07/13 at 05:00 PM in Events
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