

The Theosophical Society Point Loma - Blavatskyhouse organizes international activities such as:

The Sunday Public lectures at the Blavatskyhouse in The Hague, The Netherlands,
the annual Symposium in The Hague, The Netherlands,
the annual International Theosophy Conferences (ITC) (co-organization).

Compassion and responsibility - Lecture April 10th at 14:00

THE HAGUE, Blavatskyhouse, De Ruyterstraat 74

International public lectures

On April 10th, the fourth lecture of our series of five English lectures will start at 14:00 in the Blavatsky House in The Hague.

Are we human beings nothing more than thinking animals, as many people still think, following the theories of Darwin and his scientific successors? In the Universal Wisdom or Theosophia we find key thoughts that give us a completely different view on Man and the Cosmos, yet in line with all the proven facts of present-day science.

This lecture will help you to build up a clearer understanding of our spiritual roots, and to find answers to urgent questions such as:
What is compassion? An emotional expression of pity when we see suffering in the world? Or something completely different, something much more inspiring and challenging?
And what is our responsibility, as human beings, towards our fellow men and towards everything else in the Cosmos? Does free will really exist? How do we develop our free will? And what can we do with these new insights in our daily life?

The lecture will supply to you important keys of wisdom ready to use immediately, proving the value of a truthful and peaceful life: when we try to stand beyond matter, yet in the midst of society.

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 03/24 at 10:11 AM in EventsPermalink

Wisdom to solve the problem of global ‘growing pains’ - Lecture March 13th

THE HAGUE, Blavatskyhouse, De Ruyterstraat 74

International public lectures

On March 13th, the third lecture of our series of five English lectures will start at 14:00 in the Blavatsky House in The Hague.

Growth implies change. Change sometimes leads to pain and suffering when harmony is broken and not restored. In this continuous changing world, there is still a lot of disharmony. But if we find the natural motive to change that we all share, we can turn change into growth. We can recognize that the problems of our world are nothing more than ‘growing pains’. And we can overcome these pains more easily if we apply the universal wisdom that we all have in common. This lecture tries to help you find this wisdom.

In the series of five lectures you are given an insight into the key thoughts of Theosophia or Universal Wisdom. We invite everyone to test the logic and inspirational value of the Theosophia by himself, and especially its practical value in daily life.

The video recording of the lecture will be published online one week later on this site under videos

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 03/06 at 12:50 PM in EventsPermalink

Lecture February 14th 2016 - Reincarnation and Karma

THE HAGUE, Blavatskyhouse, De Ruyterstraat 74

International public lectures

On February 14th, the second lecture of our series of five English lectures will start at 14:00 in the Blavatsky House in The Hague.

Why is there so much inequality in this world? And can we find a sustainable solution for the suffering caused by this? The doctrines of Reincarnation and Karma throw a new light on this problem. These two universal Jewels of Wisdom provide us insight in the real causes behind the disharmony in this world and consequently, a vision to solve the problem of poverty ánd of wealth.

In the series of five lectures you are given an insight into the key thoughts of Theosophia or Universal Wisdom. We invite everyone to test the logic and inspirational value of the Theosophia by himself, and especially its practical value in daily life.

The video recording of the lecture will be published online one week later on this site under videos

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 02/07 at 08:40 PM in EventsPermalink

International public lectures in The Hague!

From January until May 2016 on every second Sunday of the month a series of public lectures (admission free) in English will be started in the Blavatsky House in The Hague, The Netherlands. The lectures are recorded on video and will be published exactly one week later on this website to be viewed for free.

Start lectures: 14:00 hours in the Blavatskyhouse, De Ruyterstraat 74, Den Haag.  (13:30 doors open)

International public lectures 

Since 1975 the Theosophical Society Point Loma organizes on weekly basis lectures on current topics approached from the Universal Wisdom, also called Theosophia. This Theosophia is the common source of wisdom for all the Teachers of Mankind, like Plato, Pythagoras, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna. It was re-introduced into the modern world by H.P. Blavatsky, who started her public work in 1875. Theosophia is by no means a dogmatic belief system which should be accepted without thorough thinking and research. It is a philosophy of life that encourages independent thinking and gives explanations as to the how (science), why (philosophy) and the what (religion) of life.

On Sunday January 10th 2016, a new series of five English lectures (every 2nd Sunday) will start in which you will be given an insight into the key thoughts of this Universal Wisdom. We invite everyone to test the logic and inspirational value of the Theosophia by himself, and especially its practical value in daily life. To show this value, we will apply the theosophical key concepts in each lecture directly to the big questions that humanity faces nowadays, such as religious intolerance, the problem of wealth and poverty, the lack of a real purpose in our lives, and the lack of understanding of the ethical codes of humanity, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

January 10: The Riddle of Life and the Seven Jewels of Wisdom

To build your philosophy of life to find answers on all life’s questions

February 14: Reincarnation and Karma

Wisdom to solve the problem of poverty ánd wealth

March 13: Growth of humanity

Wisdom to solve the problem of global ‘growing pains’

April 10: Compassion and responsibility

Standing beyond matter, yet in the midst of society

May 8: The esoteric origin of human rights

The inner power to change the world

Posted by blavatskyhouse on 12/30 at 02:11 PM in EventsPermalink
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Annual conferences


Annually, we organize symposia around a central theme.

More information about our latest Symposium can be found on the following website: http://www.isis-foundation.org/symposium/.

International Theosophy Conferences (ITC)

The object of ITC is to promote and support gatherings of Theosophy students from different countries and organizations, and to create a forum for sharing powerful Theosophical ideas together with cutting-edge scientific, religious and philosophical concepts. ITC welcomes all who have dedicated their lives to Theosophy to contribute and work together in a spirit of harmony, with respect for one anothers background. More about ITC here http://www.theosophyconferences.org/

Video recordings

Since 2010, lectures of the conferences have been recorded. Click on the links below to watch the video recordings of:
Public lectures
International Theosophy Conferences (ITC)
Point Loma Theosophy Network